Airbus 380 Flight Test

Philtec sensors were used to measure Thrust Reverser performance during static and flight tests of the A380. 90° Probe measured the distance between the inverter and engine.
Sensor Requirements
- ±15 mm Displacement
- -55°C to 150°C
- 90° Sensor Probes
- 300 Hz Frequency Response
Flight Test Sensors
Fiberoptic Tachometer
- Weight: 2 lbs. amplifier; 3/4 lb. each fiberoptic ass’y
- Displacement Range: 2 inch (50 mm)
- Vibration: 5 g rms, 5 Hz -2KHz, in any axis
- MS style connector for (+28 volt) input power and output signal
- Detachable Probes, Straight Tips and 90°Tips
- Tip Operating temp. -45C to 200C
Small Flight Test Sensors
A customer required the smallest sensor for integration into a flying object.
Sensor Features
- Electronics Weight : 6.5 ounces
- Input/Output via Micro-D Connector MIL-DTL-83513
- Grounded Enclosure with Thru Hole Mounting
Icing Research
- 90° Sensor Tips
- Measure Wing Tip Vibrations
- With Icing Conditions