Gap Sensors for MRI Applications

The 11.7T Whole Body MRI – The Iseult project under development at CEA-Saclay, in collaboration with Siemens Healthcare and Alstom Magnets and Superconductors, is scheduled for commissioning in 2012. Philtec’s fiber optic sensors are playing a vital role in a prototype which is very important for assessing the design. Displacements of many items inside the cryogenic system are being measured successfully to sub-micron level resolution.
CEA and Siemens are using Philtec sensor systems to measure ±2 mm range displacement of the superconductor and magnet structures in:
Liquid helium @ 1.8K
- High Magnetic Field 11.7T
- Pressure 15 mbar
Gaseous helium @ 6 K to 300 K
- No Magnetic Field
- Ambient Pressure