Select sensor type or options/accessories only, then select model number and desired options to generate a Part #. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Select One and see available options: *D Model Sensors & OptionsRC Model Sensors & OptionsSpare TipsAccessoriesSpare Tips: *Spare Tips For D Models - Reflectance DependentSpare Tips For RC Models - Reflectance CompensatedD Models - Reflectance Dependent *D6D12D20D21D47D63D64D100D125D169D170D171D240RC Models - Reflectance Compensated *RC19RC20RC25RC32RC60RC62RC63RC100RC125RC171RC225RC290Sensor Output Type *AnalogmDMSmuDMSmu2DMSTip OptionsT1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11T12WWbCable Jacket OptionsC1C2C3C5C5iC6C7C8C9C11C12C13E1E2E3Low Vacuum Passthru Options for 10 E-4 Torr (1000 mPa)Fv1Fv2Fv3For all modelsCable Connector OptionsBB1Bw2BFor all models except D6 and D12Mid to High Vacuum Passthru OptionsBv1Bv133-C133Bv133-C275Bv133-K25Bv133-K50Bv2BvFFor Models D20 - D240 and RC25 - RC290Amplifier Options for Analog SensorsA1DG1G2G3H1H2+H1+H2L+LMOPQR1R2R3VZFor Models D6, D20, D21, D47, D63, D64, D100, D125, D169, D170, D240 Analog.Digital Amplifier OptionsA2R1R2R3For D6, D12, D20, D100, D125, D169, D170 DMS output.Amplifier OptionsR1R2R3For D21, D47, D63, D64, D171, D240 DMS output.Amplifier OptionsADG1G2H3+H3L+LMNOPQR1R2R3VZFor Analog RC Models.Amplifier OptionsADR1R2R3For RC20, RC22, RC25, RC32, RC60, RC100, RC190, RC290 DMS output.Amplifier OptionsADR1R2R3For RC19, RC62, RC63, RC125, RC171 DMS output.Sensor Calibrationscal-Acal-Fcal-ANcal-FNCalibration Check MirrorCM32940Compression FittingsCF63CF125CF187>CF250CF312CF375CF500Mirrored Target DiscsM50M50Probe Mounting BlocksB25B31Single Axis Micro StagesMS-1MS-2mini-DMS Y-Cable Power Adaptors for RS232 portsPS-1PS-UOption Q Power SupplyPS-QUSB to Serial RS-232 Adaptor CableADB9mini "B" to "A" USB Locking ConnectorAUSBQuantity *What is your timing? *Immediate3 months6 months or moreName *FirstLastBusiness / Organization *Email *Phone *Comments *File Upload Click or drag a file to this area to upload. For application engineering support, we encourage you to call or send us a sketch or drawing to discuss your needs. File types allowed: png, jpeg, pdf.Custom Captcha *What is 10 * 9? PhoneSend RFQ to Philtec