90° Probes: Examples of Many Types of 90° Probes
Aerospace: Aerospace Applications (19 Pages)
Ambient Light Interference: The Option R1 filter removes ambient light pickup
Bending Light: Fiber Optic Probe Tips Can Be Polished On Angles To Bend Light As Needed
Calibrate Sensors: Describes calibration equipment used at Philtec, and the procedures for calibrating analog and digital sensors.
Compressor Blade Vibration: Compressor Blade Vibrations Measured with High Slew Rate Sensor
Connectorized Fiberoptics: Connectors Permit Removal and/or Replacement of Fiberoptic Tips and Cables
Cryogenics 1: Example of Cryogenic Applications
Cryogenics 2: Example of Cryogenic Applications
Cryogenics 3: Example of Cryogenic Applications (video)
Cryogenics 4: FODS for Rocket Engines with Pressurized Cryogenic Fluids
Cryogenics 5: Speed Sensors for Cryogenic Turbopumps
Custom Applications: Example of Sensors for Soil Testing, Fracturing Fluids Testing, Gear Testing, etc.
Fiber Optic Cable Jackets: App Note 69: Listing of features and temperature ranges for different jacket options.
Flywheel Development, High Speed Composite Flywheels
Friction Studies: Slip-Stick and the Evolution of Frictional Strength for Earthquake Prediction
Gas Turbine Assembly: Side-viewing Is Combined with End Viewing Fiberoptics To Measure Turbine Blade Tip Clearance
Glass Measurement: Edge Detection
Glass Measurement: How To Measure Clear Glass Thickness
Glass Measurement: Encoder Discs
Glass Measurement: Contoured Glass Inspection
High Pressure: Design Guidance for Supporting High Pressure
Hot Targets: For Exposure To >600°C
Ink Jet Printers: How to Determine the Optimum Distance Between the Printhead and the Paper
Intrinsic Safety: Use Fiberoptics When Intrinsic Safety Is Required
Long Fiberoptic Cables: App Note 39: Fiberoptic Cables are limited to lengths of 3 – 15 m, depending upon sensor model. With in-line connectors added, extended lengths up to 30 m can be reached with some models.
Long Fiberoptic Cables: App Note 67: 45 meter cable lengths for Vacuum Now Possible
Magnetic Fields: App Note 70: Sensor Options For Measurements In High Magnetic Fields
Measure in Vacuum: Philtec’s Complete Line of Fiberoptic Passthru Solutions are presented for Low, Medium and Ultra-High Vacuum Applications
Measure to 100mm: How To Extend Operating Ranges With Offset and Gain Options
Misalignment: Type D Sensor Applications with Tilt
Misalignment: RC vs. D Models with Target Misalignment
Misalignment: Monitoring Co-Planarity During Semiconductor Manufacturing
MRI Sensor: Gap Sensors For MRI Applications
Multi-Channel Vacuum Passthru: A Vacuum Passthru For 8 Sensor Channels Is Space Saving and Cost Effective
Needle Brg Inspection: Small Fiberoptic Sensors Are A Good Choice For Missing Parts Inspection
Piston Stroke: Top-Dead-Center Piston Position of IC Engines is Measured
Radiation: Effects of Gamma Radiation are Discussed
Radiation: Radiation Resistant Sensor Systems
RC Sensor Calibrations: App Note 72
Reflectance Dependent Sensors: Shows How Changing Target Reflectivity Effects D Type Sensor Output
Reflectance Compensated Sensors: Shows How RC Type Sensors Respond To Specular and Diffuse Reflective Targets
Reflectance Compensation: The Effectiveness of Reflectance Compensation Is Demonstrated
Reflection Interference: How To Avoid Reflection Interference
Retro-Reflective Targets: Use Retro-Reflective Tape To Enhance Sensor Performance
Rotor Runout – Hard Disc Drive: Hard Disc Drive Wobble Is Measured
Rotor Runout – 90° Probes: High Speed Shaft Runout Measurements Are Made With Right Angle Probes
Rotor Runout – Pump Shaft Vibrations: Side-Viewing Sensors Are Used To Measure Shaft Orbit & Vibrations In Tight Spaces
Rust: How To Make Accurate Measurements To Textured Surfaces
Standard Threaded Tips: App Note 73: Listing of Threaded Tips with Standard Threads and Lengths and Standard Pricing
Temperature Limits: App Note 71: Information on Temperature Limits of Philtec Sensor Tips, Cables, and Electronics.
Thread Inspection: Dual Headed Probes For Internal Thread Inspection
Turbine Blade Cold Clearance: Wireless Sensor Systems For Cold Clearance Measurements
Turbine Speed Probes: Probes for Difficult Access
Turbine Blade Tip Dynamic Clearance: RC Sensors For Dynamic Blade Tip Clearance Measurements
Vacuum Passthru for UHV: Single-Port Weldable Vacuum Passthru Fitting
Small Valve Dynamics: Small Valve Engine Applications Are Discussed
Diesel Engine Valve Stroke: Diesel Engine Valve Applications Are Discussed